
3月, 2021の投稿を表示しています

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The spiral galaxies were the first type of galaxies to be observed by human, and that was our neighboring galaxy, the Andromeda In general, spiral galaxies contain roughly 10 9 to 10 11 solar masses and have luminosity between 10 8 and 2×10 10 solar luminosity The diameter of the spiral galaxies can vary from 5 kilo parsecs to 250 kiloThe spiral galaxy, NGC 4622 (also called Backward galaxy), lies approx 111 million light years away from Earth in the constellation CentaurusNGC 4622 is an example of a galaxy with leading spiral arms In spiral galaxies, spiral arms were thought to trail;Spiral galaxies—of which the Milky Way system is a characteristic example—tend to be flattened, roughly circular systems with their constituent stars strongly concentrated along spiral arms These arms are thought to be produced by traveling density waves, which compress and expand the galactic material Two Galaxies With Similar Characteristics Are Passing Dangerously Close To Each Other In Arp 271 In Man...

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